Friday, December 17, 2010

Its A Snowy Christmas There And A Sunny Christmas Here...

If you have been watching the news, then you must already know that in Europe its snowing crazy.
The "Big Freeze" as it is called has threatened to paralyze Britain which would be disastrous because it would mean that households might end up with no Christmas gifts due to no transportation, no heating for the houses due to fuel shortage and worse of all,most families reunite during Christmas but with flights being canceled,these people might not get to be with their loved ones this Christmas!If you think this is sad, well it gets worse!Business analysts say that things are so thick that the snow storms could put 1,000 plus firms out of business if the final weekend for the Christmas shopping is disrupted by the snow which could result to a poor business start in January.....

Pics courtesy of

Contrary to the weather UK is having, Kenya is extremely shinning with the high's range of 29 degrees and 32 degrees!Weather forecasts say that they expect sunshine all through the season and probably light showers once in a while.....

Pics courtesy of goggle images

This is what i find most interesting, we are both on the same planet yet we are so not on the same planet! My question is, where would you rather spend your Christmas, somewhere sunny or somewhere snowy? 

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