Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Elephants:The Amboseli Park Kings

Sometime back i wrote about Kenya's Amboseli Park .I have to admit that i absolutely love this national park. It is the first park i ever visited back when i was a kid while on a school trip and those memories have never left my mind. As the A-Z challenge requires me to write something with the theme of the letter E, i have chosen to write about this famous Amboseli Elephants. I believe that they are strong willed considering the had times they endure during the dry seasons and i believe they are also very caring;this is  seen with the way they are always cluttered together! If your interest lies in elephants the best place to see them in the many parks that Kenya has would be Amboseli park, however they are present in all parks!


  1. Elephants are so amazing! I love the way they can squirt water at each other with their trunks :)

  2. Stunning. Elephants are so amazing.


Thank you for your comments. I highly appreciate.