Friday, April 15, 2011

Malindi - That's where i was last weekend!

M is for Malindi , one of the ancient and historic coastal towns of Kenya found in one of the country's cities, Mombasa. The town is  hugely inhabited by the Swahili people and has been their settlement area for as long us anyone can remember, however tourism being the number one source of livelihood, Malindi is highly inhabited with Italians. Following my experience while on my stay there, it almost felt like i was in a "small Italy!"There are sub-towns in Malindi;Watamu;Gedi and many more. I particularly stayed at Watamu in some amazing beach luxury apartments known as Blue Bay Cove.

Blue Bay Cove Beach Apartments
Unlike the rest of the north coast of Kenya,Malindi has the cleanest white sandy beaches, with a majority of the beaches being open to the public.Notably politicians, powerful business men, celebrities such as super model Naomi Campbell are the people who own private beach houses in this town.The town is not only known of its interesting history but also for it's atypical nightlife. On a sad note, the town has recently been painted negatively, with reports and analytics showing that a majority of the youth down there are hooked to drugs. This is a distressing thought considering the youth are the tomorrow!

Gedi ruins


  1. jealous much? You would have carried me with you... I've never been to Malindi funny enough!

  2. Thank you so much for taking me to a place I've never visited. You paint a truly beautiful picture of Malindi.

  3. Such beautiful place, cleanest beaches and youths hooked on drugs. So sad! I will pray!

  4. Thanks for this tour of a place I've never been. Wonderful photos!

  5. Wow! It looks so beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to following you.
    Take Care,

  6. I'm giving out awards for the A-Z challenge participants and as I browsed your blog I decided to award you the Powerful Woman Writer Award.
    Go to and pick up your award.

    PS. Really beautiful blog. Follow your dreams, they are awesome!

  7. Beautiful photos. I look forward to more of your travels.


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