Friday, July 1, 2011

A Lover of the Beest !

If you are a lover of wildlife, i guess by now you know that the great wildebeest migration in the Masai Mara has just started!The migration occurs annually between the months of July till late September, with over 1. 3 million wildebeest and over 300,000 Zebras crossing from the Serengeti Park in Tanzania,across the Mara river into the Masai Mara Park! The migration has been dubbed as a World Wonder and each year the wonder seems to leave us in more marvel!


  1. Oh wow..! Honestly I didn't know about this..thanks for sharing..!

  2. I had no clue this happened. So many animals traveling together. Amazing!

  3. They're beautiful. And happy blogiversary, even if I am a little late. :D

  4. Thanks friends, Kenya is a lovely place to be right now. :)

  5. Fascinating stuff, and a great blog! Thanks for stopping by my place, and consider me a new follower. (I grabbed the "writing tip of the day" widget. COOL!

  6. I've heard of the Great Migration before, but never realized how huge it is. Sounds like an amazing thing to see.


  7. I had no clue about this-- that's amazing! Definitely something I would love to see whenever I get around to visiting Africa-- which, unfortunately, is not in my near future. But it will happen someday! :D


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